Social networking platforms are a huge attraction for everyone that wants to connect with friends, family and new people. Everybody that uses all these social networking sites are willing to share their information without a problem or taking the time to read and understand the privacy policies some of these SNS might have. SNS users share ideas, information and opinions very freely, letting the SNS have all their personal information. Some of these social networking sites have created an avenue where personal information can easily be accessed by other people, making invasion of privacy extremely easy. Currently, most of the social networking sites we join today, have a feature that is called "News Feed", where all your followers have access to view everything you do on that social media site, meaning there is no privacy of what you do on that particular site. This shows that unwanted people can easily stalk you and gather a lot of your information. I believe social networking sites will continue to evolve and create a way to better handle privacy issues. However, we must continue to watch what we put out on our social media platforms because until we are fully safe on social media platforms, we can't let our guard down because once something is out in the internet, it can be out there for a very long time.
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