Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Wiki So Far

 As of yet, I haven't contribute to the Wiki. However, I am getting familiar with the New Media Wiki site, figuring out the website as well as how to add and edit things onto the website. I am planning to add some content and possibly add an image (still debating it) fairly soon as I plan to contribute some keywords I learned in my other digital media class. 

This is based on previous and current research I have been doing on certain topics relating to digital media. I will continue to do my research on how digital media can affect some people, I can even grab some of this information from my term project I did for the class, where I elaborate more on this topic and I'm sure there already is some of this in wiki but I believe I can add more to it based on my previous research on the topic. 


File sharing is a sharing of computer data or space in a network. The term file sharing mostly means sharing files in a network, even of in a small local area network. File sharing also makes it easy for people to use the same file or files, by some combination, being able to read or view them, write to or modify them, copy it or print it. Normally, a file sharing system could have one or more administrators, which might have the same or different levels of access privilege and they can also have an allocated amount of personal file storage in a common file system.

Peer-to-Peer or better known as P2P is a file sharing world wide technology that has revolutionized the internet. P2P sharing are computer systems that are connected to each other via the internet. Files can easily be shared between systems on the net work without the need of central server. P2P is a way to share music, video and documents, play games and even facilitate online telephone conversations. Since virtually anyone can join a P2P network just by installing particular software, millions can be connected at one time. Examples of P2P fils sharing programs are Limewire, uTorrent and BitTorrent. 


Wednesday, November 11, 2020


 Social networking platforms are a huge attraction for everyone that wants to connect with friends, family and new people. Everybody that uses all these social networking sites are willing to share their information without a problem or taking the time to read and understand the privacy policies some of these SNS might have. SNS users share ideas, information and opinions very freely, letting the SNS have all their personal information.  Some of these social networking sites have created an avenue where personal information can easily be accessed by other people, making invasion of privacy extremely easy. Currently, most of the social networking sites we join today, have a feature that is called "News Feed", where all your followers have access to view everything you do on that social media site, meaning there is no privacy of what you do on that particular site. This shows that unwanted people can easily stalk you and gather a lot of your information. I believe social networking sites will continue to evolve and create a way to better handle privacy issues. However, we must continue to watch what we put out on our social media platforms because until we are fully safe on social media platforms, we can't let our guard down because once something is out in the internet, it can be out there for a very long time. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2020


 If I were hired by Baruch's media team to improve the use of the college's new media use. I would first start with improving the College's website and make it easier for students to navigate when looking for particular school related information like, departments and their major and minor information, reaching advisors via the school website. As well as making it easier for students to find everything on the college website instead of going to an extension website that is part of the Baruch website but making harder to reach it because website confusion, like when making an appointment to met with an advisor. Secondly, I would create social media accounts that will interest students and they would like to follow like, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. These social media sites will help students have up to date information related to school, especially if they don't read their emails on time or let students know if an important email has been sent out to all students. These social media sites will also keep students in the loop when important events are happening in school, and they can easily rsvp via social media. This will help the Baruch college social media accounts to have huge followings, including Baruch alumni.  

Next New

Due to our current times and new lifestyle in this pandemic. There have been many changes for everyone, from remote learning to remote work....