Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Next New

Due to our current times and new lifestyle in this pandemic. There have been many changes for everyone, from remote learning to remote work. Unfortunately, this has also caused many to lose their jobs because their job couldn't transition to remote work. This is why I think the new type of "new media" that doesn't currently exist is an application where people that have lost their job due to the pandemic can learn a new skill. 

Media has evolved dramatically over the past few months and it has been helping many to get through this pandemic. I believe that an application that can help people learn new career skills would a small step to get people back to work after a traumatic year. This new media can help many develop skills they didn't think were possible to learn and help them in this new evolving world during a pandemic.   

Next New

Due to our current times and new lifestyle in this pandemic. There have been many changes for everyone, from remote learning to remote work....